Thursday, July 16, 2009

Roadside Pic of the Day™: Buford Security?! You Betcha..!

I don't know about you, but when I go looking for a security service I try to find the one with the toughest sounding name. Makes sense, right?

Brinks? Nah, sounds like the company is about to fall off the edge. ADT? That sounds like a pest control service, not a security firm. Buford's? Oh heck yeah, now we're talking! I bet ole Buford himself is hiding around the corner ready to pummel any would-be intruders!


  1. Wow, didn't know Joe Don Baker, the heavy set southern fried star of such classics as Walking Tall and Mitchell, owns a security firm.

  2. hehe, thanks Luna! changing the pic today though since i woke up in a different mood :)
