Monday, July 6, 2009

Secret Recipe of the Day™: Advanced Ramen Noodles

Welcome back to another installment of Snoppie's Secret Recipes! (click here to see previous installment) Yes, in an effort to pass along these secret treasures for future generations, I have made the difficult decision to post these recipes in all of their uncensored glory on the internet (I'm sure I have relatives turning over in their graves).

Today's Secret Recipe: Ramen Noodles, Advanced*

* Advanced: This is actually a lot trickier than it looks. Chances are, if you've heard that this was an easy dish to prepare, you were most likely lied to. Pay close attention to the order of preparation, otherwise you could turn a perfect cup of noodles into a certified disaster. Do not skip any steps!

  • Cup or Bowl to hold the ingredients
  • 1 package of Ramen Noodles, any flavor (preferably, a flavor you would want to eat)
  • water of some sort

STEP 1: Empty opened noodles into container. Pour the packet of flavoring in the container and then pour water on top, like so (figure 1):

figure 1. Pouring the water into the container.

STEP 2: Place the container of noodles mixed with all the other ingredients in the microwave. Turn on the microwave for a few minutes to cook the noodles (see your microwave's instructions for proper usage).

That's it! The result is a hot, delicious container full of noodles in a container that you prepared all by yourself. Enjoy! (figure 2):

figure 2. Enjoying the fully cooked noodles is great stress relief.
Although, the high sodium is not ideal if you have blood pressure issues.

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