A nice cabin in the Smokies, a perfect place to get away from it all and work on a horror novel, right? Well, how about a real ghost story for you? That's even better.
The First Night
Strange things happened the very first night. Early in the night a small animal (a squirrel or a bird) was scratching on the metal covered roof. It sounded very light and darty, just like a squirrel. The sounds of it's claws were easily heard.
No big deal, but then later towards 1 or 2 in the morning, these sounds vanished to be replaced by footsteps of what sounded like a barefooted little child running - playing - back and forth on the roof. This went on and off for hours. Was it an animal? This sounded like no animal. Besides,

My brother on the first floor wasn't immune to hearing phantom sounds either. He kept hearing someone walking up and down the stairs all night- so much so that he couldn't sleep and was compelled to go to the stairs to see who was making the noise. No one was there, of course.
I finally decided to ignore the noises and try to get some sleep as we had a big day ahead of us. I succeeded, only to suddenly awake as I felt someone was pushing the edge of my pillow towards my face! Instantly, I turned my head around and saw that Snoppies was sleeping and facing the other direction - she didn't move my pillow. I tried not to freak out as I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, hoping whatever touched my pillow wouldn't do it again.
Then towards 4 a.m., once the noises began to die down and everyone was actually sleeping - a loud crash was heard throughout the house! It came from the 1st floor which bolted me awake from my 3rd floor bed and had me flying down the multiple stairs to get to the source of the sound. I thought someone was breaking into the cabin, it was that loud.

We examined the glass door panel and where it connects to the fireplace. It made no sense to us that the door should land where it did if it simply fell off it's hinges and somehow slid into it's final position. The way the hinges and gravity works, both of the glass door's hinges would have had to fail at the same exact time to even allow it to land parallel with the front of the fireplace, much less 2 feet away.
The Second Night
The following morning I called the cabin rental office, which was miles away, to report the broken fireplace door. I made a joking comment about the place being haunted and asked if anyone else who stayed at the cabin ever reported anything similar. The lady was polite, but she ignored my question and continued with, "We're sorry for the inconvenience, the repairman should be there sometime today or tomorrow to fix that."
I replied, "Thanks." Then I persisted with, "So no one ever complained about ghosts or anything strange happening here before?" I added a slight laugh to see if that would help. She paused a few beats, then said, "No. Is there anything else I could help you with today?"
That night was our last night at the cabin, so we had a party. There were cards and karaoke going on. We were loud, but we were up on a mountain and no one could hear us anyway. Or so we thought.
After several hours of our extreme racket, someone - or something disapproved.
I was up on the 3rd floor packing when all of a sudden a sound louder than the karaoke party shook the entire cabin. Three extremely loud bangs pounded on the walls, as if a SWAT team was trying to break down a barricaded door. It shook every wall. In fact, it sounded as if the pounding was coming from every wall. Everyone stopped what they were doing. The karaoke was muted and there was silence.
Once again, I flew down the stairs to see if there were police at the front door coming to shut our party down (my first instinct), only to run into my brother running up the stairs. He thought the sound came from above him where the party was at on the 2nd floor. I told him lets go look outside to see if we can catch who just pounded on the cabin.

Needless to say, the party died down a short time later. The next day we left our cabin on the mountain. Haunted? Who knows, but definitely a place to visit again.
This is so freaking creepy. I wanna go!